Hey Guys.


I was wondering what if I tell you 6 best friends everyone one of us can have in common ?  
yes, some of us already have .

These BFFs are there with you whenever you need them....they mostly love you more when you feel lonely , that only time you actually remember them.
They are selfless,supportive,loyal!!!
Okay lets get there now.!!!!


It is anyone's best companion as music comes in all forms and for all moods. Music is something that everyone uses from time to time to relieve stress, it may not be intended for that specific use but in reality it is. I find this important to me, because what would people do without music? It is a proven way to cheer us up, give us energy and inspiration to keep us going. 

 Is this one already your bff??


2. Self Care


A daily routine to take care of your body and mind is highly essential. Pampering yourself through giving your body and face a good care by eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep, taking care of postures, using quality and mostly natural skin care and makeup products. There many such ways in which you can spend time to gain change towards best version of you.


Speaking about mind and mental hygiene it is all about keeping your mind free from junks like negativity ,bad stress and unhealthy thoughts. To achieve this we need to start finding positive side of things, meditate, surround ourselves with nature, hang out with positive people and mainly have a Positive self-talk.


You are renewed totally when you return from a vacation.
Take trips or a long tour it will definitely have an impact and makes you feel refreshed and enthusiastic .Of course , you will end up with lots of cherishing and amazing memories. It helps you improve your health by cutting down stress , provides some exercise to body .Traveling more is likely to have a tremendous impact on your mental well-being, especially if you're not used to going out of your comfort zone. Now after from a tour you have learned a lot from the places you have visited so, your knowledge and awareness - improved!


Solo trips are not difficult these days so, we can definitely travel alone which also helps us to learn more about self. Exploring new places and unusual things makes you feel like a adventurer during traveling.The benefit of traveling to a new place is that it forces you to face the unknown and think differently.You are out of your city and exposed to new cultures and it is best way to extend your social network.You will meet new people and specially get to taste new cuisines. Food makes everyone happy and we can find out more about different food cultures. you would have clicked more snaps of  your visits and then may be you'll have a new profile pic and  your amazing Instagram feeds on your profile๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ what else we need nowadays? Staying away from your home for so long may make you develop love for it more.

4. Reading 

Reading is a common and most followed pass time.This includes reading books, newspapers ,articles ,blogs and surfing for good content. It not just improves your knowledge but also gives a  strong hold on the language that you are doing your reading in.
It is a good hobby that will not only improve your imagination but also allows you to escape your daily routine. When you read a good book you can really get lost in the story. A book gives you the chance to escape your daily reality and experience a whole new world!

Reading is not only fun and has a high entertainment value, we will also discover that it is very addictive. Once you finished a good book and turned the last page, we will soon be thinking of the next book you want to read. If that happens, definitely keep reading.
Same with any fact full articles and blogs it gives you information about something which leads you to learn more about that and terms you bumped into while reading them using other resources .You will have lots of fun while improving lots of skills. 

5. Learning something new

You can spend a lot of free time you have to learn useful and new things. you can start learning a form of art , an instrument , new subject , a sport , try new recipe and many more such things.
You get to explore a lot new things and allows you to make best use of your time . You can even learn a new language , isn't cool to know a many languages and be able to speak in them. There are several websites and books that are useful for learning a new language to read and write.

Speaking about cooking and other things we have plenty of  websites which are dedicated for this and on YouTube we can easily find videos which will teach us all these . This is the most  effective way of spending time alone , it will be fun and knowledge gained stays with us forever. More than a bff right?

6. Movies , Podcasts , Television ,YouTube.


We already know it is all time best companions. Fun filled entertainment is more needed to keep ourselves positive and active. When we choose to do one of the above always remember to maximum spend time watching and listening to positive contents. You can watch a movie with deeper message and darker facts but when you wanna have good time when you are alone choose to watch genres like comedy , romantic , romantic-comedy , adventure and action. 

Podcasts are  another amazing way to get entertained as it increases you ability of imagination and interpretation. It is one of the easier ways to get instant entertainment.
Television has TV series , reality shows , chat shows and lots more.We love them they are to be followed regularly and these are like your friend who visits you daily exactly at one time in a day.
YouTube, you have it even installed in your mobile phones. Those videos of few minutes they are short and great for time that you have.Having many such options in life you are not alone and wasting your time doing anything. Every small things that you do is very worthy and will be useful sooner. 

Have fun and make use of every second to keep yourself  happier.

See you in next Blog.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€




  1. Bahut acha beti ... Good write up ... Looking forward for your future works


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